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Section S

We would like to remind you that since March we have a useful and clear news platform for all Social Work Bachelor and Master students: Planet S
Planet S offers you interesting news, job ads or even exciting surveys. Everything you need to know for everyday student life.

Starting from the spring semester 2022, Bachelor’s and Master’s theses from the Department S can be checked systematically with a plagiarism detection software. A systematic examination ensures the quality of the theses. It also protects the students and tutors from legal consequences of plagiarism.
In addition, the systematic check itself ensures equal treatment for all students. The department reserves the right to check other written documents for plagiarism at a later date.

The application for study grants from the Finnish Association of Friends in Switzerland (SYS) in Helsinki for a study stay in Finland ins 2022 is open.
Interested students from the main course can find further information here or in this PDF.

Send us a mail for further information or questions:

Section Representative

Léonie Pulfer

Judith Feld

Judith Feld

Social Work BA


Léonie Pulfer

Social Work BA


Florian Sommer

Social Work BA


Delina Andenmatten

Social Work BA
