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🌿🌟 "NaKt" - Sustainability Commission at the ZHAW! 🌟🌿

🌿🌟 "NaKt" 🌟🌿

You might be wondering why we are called “NaKt”? No, we don’t organize textile-free meetings (that would really make the Sustainability Commission a hot topic of conversation). Instead, we present bare facts about sustainability at our events and university politics.
Are you ready to get out your environmental awareness knitting needles, fire up your mind recycling machine and join us on a journey to make the world a little greener, healthier and happier?

NaKt is not just about green thumbs, but also about green hearts. We organize events that are not only good for the earth, but also make your soul smile. From clothes swap parties where you can give your wardrobe a sustainable makeover to movie nights that will make you think. And don’t forget our legendary poetry slams, where we put sustainability into words and amaze the audience.

Are you ready to bring your creative ideas, enthusiasm and good humor to our “NaKt” adventures? We look forward to getting to know you as we make the world a little bit better – and have a lot of fun in the process!
Join us, be “NaKt” and let’s work together for a more sustainable future at the ZHAW. We can’t wait to welcome you to our team! πŸŒπŸ’šβœ¨