Alias assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the summaries posted on this page. Everyone who downloads a summary from this page is responsible for themselves for checking whether the summaries completely and correctly reflects all topics relevant to the exams.
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- Your files must be names as follows: year_modulename_ZHAWabbreviation
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- Alias reserves the right to delete summaries that don’t comply with the above specifications.
- Assessment
- Vertiefung Accounting, Controlling, Auditing
- Auditing
- Business English Advanced 1
- Business Enlish Advanced 2
- Consolidated Financial Statements
- Corporate Finance & Valuation
- Corporate Performance Management
- Entreprise Information Systems
- Human Capital Managment
- Integration
- International Business
- Leadership & Unternehmensethik
- Makroökonomie
- Management Accounting
- Operations- & Prozessmanagement
- Statistik
- Steuerrecht
- Turnaround Management
- Unternehmensrecht
- Auditing
- Vertiefung Banking and Finance
- Aktives Investmentmanagement
- Banksteuerung
- Business English Advanced 1
- Business English Advanced 2
- Corporate Finance & Risk Management
- Einführung Banking & Finance
- Financial Instruments & Portfolio Theory
- Human Capital Management
- Integration
- International Business
- Leadership & Unternehmensethik
- Makroökonomie
- Management Accounting
- Operations- & Prozessmanagement
- Quantitative Methoden
- Statistik
- Unternehmens- und Steuerrecht
- Wealth Management & Compliance
- Aktives Investmentmanagement
- Vertiefung Economics and Politics
- Business English Advanced 1
- Business English Advanced 2
- Governance
- Human Capital Management
- Integration
- International Business
- Leadership & Unternehmensethik
- Makroökonomie
- Management Accounting
- Öffentliches Recht und Europarecht
- Ökonomik der Wirtschaftspolitik
- Operations- & Prozessmanagement
- Politikwissenschaft
- Politische Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Public Financial Management
- Public Management
- Statistik
- Steuerrecht
- Business English Advanced 1
- Vertiefung General Management
- Advanced International Business
- Advanced Marketing
- Advanced Strategic Management
- Business English Advanced 1
- Business English Advanced 2
- Enterprise Information Systems
- GM-Forum
- Human Capital Management
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Integration
- International Business
- Leadership & Unternehmensethik
- Makroökonomie
- Management Accounting
- Operations- & Prozessmanagement
- Statistik
- Strategic Project Management
- Unternehmensrecht
- Advanced International Business
- Vertiefung Marketing
- Business English Advanced 1
- Business English Advanced 2
- Corporate Communication & Brand Management
- Customer Experience Management
- Customer Insights
- Customer Relationship Management
- Digital Marketing Projektmanagement
- Human Capital Management
- International Business
- Leadership & Unternehmensethik
- Makroökonomie
- Management Accounting
- Marketing Data Analytics & Controlling
- Operations- & Prozessmanagement
- Product Development Management
- Recht im Marketing
- Services Marketing & B2B Marketing
- Statistik
- Business English Advanced 1
- Vertiefung Risk and Insurance
- Aktuarielle Methoden und Pricing
- Business English Advanced 1
- Business English Advanced 2
- Data Science and Technology for Insurance
- Finanzinstrumente und Vorsorge
- Grundlagen Risk & Insurance
- Haftpflicht- und Sozialversicherungsrecht
- Human Capital Management
- International Business
- Leadership & Unternehmensethik
- Makroökonomie
- Management Accounting
- Marktmanagement und Produktdesign
- Operations- & Prozessmanagement
- Schadenmanagement und Prozessdigitalisierung
- Statistik
- Strategic Management and Innovation
- Versicherungsvertrags- und -aufsichtsrecht
- Aktuarielle Methoden und Pricing
- Assessment
- Hauptstudium
- Assessment
- Vertiefung Business Information Systems
- Business Intelligence
- Business-IT Strategy
- Data Analytics
- Data Management
- Geschäftsprozess-Integration
- IT Project Management
- KI-Anwedungen
- Leadership, Ethik + interkulturelle Kompetenz
- Marketing
- Prototyping
- Prozess-Modellierung
- Software Engineering 2
- Strategisches Management
- Volkswirtschaftslehre 1
- Volkswirtschaftslehre 2
- Wissenschaftliche Methoden
- Business Intelligence
- Vertiefung Data Science
- Business-IT Strategy
- Data Engineering
- Data Management
- Data Science Introduction
- IT Project Management
- Leadership, Ethik + interkulturelle Kompetenz
- Machine Learning I
- Machine Learning II
- Marketing
- Model Deployment & Maintenance
- Prototyping
- Prozess-Modellierung
- Scientific Programminig
- Strategisches Management
- Volkswirtschaftslehre 1
- Volkswirtschaftslehre 2
- Wissenschaftliche Methoden
- Business-IT Strategy
- Vertiefung Health Economics and Healthcare Management
- Applied Statistical Data Analysis
- Economics and Politics
- Evidence-Based Healthcare
- Health Economics and Law
- Health Economics and Policy
- Management in Healthcare: Insurance, Pharma and Medtech Companies
- Management in Healthcare: Providers
- Managing People in Organizations
- Projects in Healthcare
- Research Design
- Strategic Management
- Applied Statistical Data Analysis
- Vertiefung Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Digital Futures
- Entrepreneurial Leadership
- Innovation Ecosystems
- Innovation Management and Disruptive Technologies
- International Entrepreneurship
- Skills and Methods for innovators
- Value Creation and Entrepreneurial Finance
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Angewandte quantitative Methoden
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Instrumente und Methoden
- Digital Futures
- Vertiefung Marketing
- Behavioral Marketing & Kundenfokus
- Brand Management, Communication & reputation Management
- Change Management & Leadership im Marketing
- Fact-Based Marketing: Business Cases, Tools & Metrics
- Integriertes Kundenmanagement: Akquisition, Entwicklung & Retention
- International Marketing: Doing Business in Foreign Markets
- Pricing & Business Models ind the Digital Age
- Produkt, Service & Innovationsmanagement
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Angewandte quantitative Methoden
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Instrumente & Methoden (Market Research)
- Behavioral Marketing & Kundenfokus
- Vertiefung Public and Nonprofit Management
- Applied Statistical Data Analysis
- Digital Transformation in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
- Economics and Politics
- Financial Management in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
- Governance and Compliance in Public and nonprofit Organizations
- Management of Nonprofit Organizations
- Managing People in Organizations
- Public Policy and Management
- Research Design
- Stakeholder Management and Communication in Public and Nonprofit Organisations
- Strategic Management
- Applied Statistical Data Analysis