Once a year, towards the end of it, the students of the different departments elect other students from their degree programme as members of the Section Council (A section is the respective department of Alias). The Section Council consists of at least one representative per degree programme of the department. The number of seats per degree programme is determined depending on the number of students of the respective degree programme. The Section Council elects students from its members to the Student Council, the highest board of Alias. The section in the department with the largest number of students is entitled to 10 seats and is used as the base for calculating the number of seats in the other 7 sections. The number of seats of the remaining sections is calculated of the largest department. In addition, the Section Council elects its Section Board, consisting of a Section Presidium / Co-Presidium, a treasurer and an actuary. The Section Presidium is the contact person for the head of its department and presides over meetings within the section, in addition to its duties as a normal member of the Section Council. The Section Board delegates one person to the Council of Delegates. That consists of 8 people (as there are 8 departments at the ZHAW). They prepare the issues that are to be discussed in the Student Council. The Alias Board is the executive of Alias and thus has the operational management of the association. The Students Council meets twice a semester to discuss current business of the association and to vote on any motions.