Alias assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the summaries posted on this page. Everyone who downloads a summary from this page is responsible for themselves for checking whether the summaries completely and correctly reflects all topics relevant to the exams.
Rules and Information
- Your files must be names as follows: year_modulename_ZHAWabbreviation
- all uploaded summaries must be self-written. The only exceptions are summaries downloaded and edited from here. These must be marked as follows: year_modulename_newZHAWabbreviation_oldZHAWabbreviation
- No teaching materials may be uploaded. However, individual excerpts from slides are allowed.
- No class transcripts may be uploaded.
- If old exams want to be shared, they must be submitted together with a written consent form from the lecturer via the contact form below. Alias will then upload these exams themselves. All other uploaded exams will be deleted by Alias.
- You can delete your uploaded summaries at any time.
- Folders of same modules in different specialisations/courses are not linked, i.e. summaries from other folders are not displayed.
- The folder structure is based on the full-time study model.
- At the bottom of the page, you can find a contact form. You can get in touch with us if you need new folders, want to upload exams or have an input on the folder structure.
- Alias reserves the right to delete summaries that don’t comply with the above specifications.
There is a folder below for compulsory elective subjects for all degree programmes. There you will find all electives and specialisations that can be taken by more than one degree programme.
- 1. Semester
- 2. Semester
- 3. Semester
- 4. Semester
- Aviatikspezifische Wahlfächer
- Advanced Mechanics
- Aircraft Systems – Control Systems
- Aircraft Systems – Flight Propulsion
- Aircraft Systems – Structural Testing and Repairs
- Aviation Management
- Aviation Security and Emergency Response Plan
- Flight Mechanics and Simulation
- Flight Operations
- Flight Test Laboratory
- Human Factors in Engineering
- Infrastructure – Integration
- Learning from Incidents and Accidents
- Leightweight Construction in Aviation
- Maintenance, Airworthiness Management, Regulations and Operator Organisation
- Space Systems
- System Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety
- Traffic Systems Operations
- Unmanned Aviation
- Advanced Mechanics
- 1. Semester
- 2. Semester
- 3. Semester
- 4. Semester
- 1. Semester
- 2. Semester
- 3. Semester
- 4. Semester
- EU-spezifische Wahlfächer
- 1. Semester
- 2. Semester
- Analysis 2
- AN2_CheatSheet_Islikpas.pdf
- AN2.pdf
- 2023_Analysis2_rieselin.pdf
- Ana2-2024-feuchmor.pdf
- Ana2-2024-feuchmor-1.pdf
- Ana2-2024-feuchmor-2.pdf
- Ana2-2024-feuchmor-3.pdf
- Ana2-2024-feuchmor-4.pdf
- Ana2-2024-feuchmor-5.pdf
- 2024_AN2_bucheti1_nach_islikpas.pdf
- 2024_AN2_bucheti1_nach_islikpas-1.pdf
- 2024_AN2_bucheti1_nach_islikpas-2.pdf
- Communication Comptetence 2
- Kommunikationstechnik
- Lineare Algebra
- Programmieren 2
- Systemnahe Programmierung
- Theoretische Informatik
- Analysis 2
- 3. Semester
- 4. Semester
- Informatikspezifische Wahlfächer
- Advanced Software Engineering 1
- Advanced Software Engineering 2
- Artificial Intelligence 1
- Artificial Intelligence 2
- Cloud Computing 1
- Cloud Computing 2
- DotNet Technologie und Frameworks 1
- DotNet Technologie und Frameworks 2
- Einführung in die Quanteninformatik
- Funktionale Programmierung
- Game Development
- Information Engineering 1
- Mobile Applications 1
- Mobile Applications 2
- Natural User Interfaces
- Optimierungsmethoden in der Informatik
- Programmiersprachen und -paradigmen
- Robotics Application Programming
- Scientific Computing
- Serverless and Cloud Application Development
- Software and System Security 1
- Software and System Security 2
- Visual Computing 1
- Visual Computing 2
- Advanced Software Engineering 1
- 1. Semester
- 2. Semester
- 3. Semester
- 4. Semester
- 5./6. Semester
- Maschinentechnikspezifische Wahlfächer
- Additive Manufacturing
- Advanced Digital Engineering
- Advanced Digital Production
- Bio Mechanical Engineering 1 & 2
- Computational Fluid Engineering 2
- Computational Light Weight Design 1
- Computational Light Weight Design 2
- Innovative Werkstoffe und Oberflächen 1
- Innovative Werkstoffe und Oberflächen 2
- Konventionelle Kraftwerkstechnik
- Modellbildung und Simulation
- Schienenfahrzeugtechnik
- Smart Products and Production 1
- Smart Products and Production 2
- System and Automation Technology 1
- System and Automation Technology 2
- Verfahrenstechnik 1
- Verfahrenstechnik 2
- Werkstoffauswahl
- Additive Manufacturing
- 1. Semester
- 2. Semester
- 3. Semester
- 4. Semester
- 5. / 6. Semester
- Sytemtechnikspezifische Wahlfächer
- 1. Semester
- 2. Semester
- 3. Semester
- 4. Semester
- Verkehrssystemespezifische Wahlfächer
- 1. Semester
- 2. Semester
- Vertiefung Data & Service Engineering
- 3. Semester
- 4. Semester
- 5. Semester
- 6. Semester
- 3. Semester
- Vertiefung Industrial Engineering
- 3. Semester
- 4. Semester
- 5. Semester
- 6. Semester
- 3. Semester
- Vertiefung Wirtschaftsmathematik
- Studiengangsübergreifende Wahlfächer
- Additive Manufacturing (3D printing)
- Automation 1
- Automation 2
- Biomechanical Engineering 1
- Biomechanical Engineering 2
- Bionics
- Circular Economy
- Cleantech
- Communication Networks and Services 1
- Communication Networks and Services 2
- Computational Fluid Engineering 1
- Datenbanken
- Digital Assistive Technologies
- Digital Health
- Digital Image Processing 1
- Digital Image Processing 2
- Digitale Signalverarbeitung 1
- Embedded Software Engineering
- English for Academic Purposes
- Enterprise Resource Planning – Produktion und Logistik
- Höhere Analysis und Numerik
- Industrial Design: Basic Principles
- Informatikrecht
- Information Engineering 2
- Ing4Sustainability
- Innovations- und Technologiemanagement
- Integrierte Managementsysteme
- Intercultural Communication and Management
- International Management – Asia
- Internet of Things 1
- Internet of Things 2
- Introduction to Computer and Communication Security
- Introduction to Rotary Wing Aircraft
- Investition und Finanzierung
- Kältemaschinen und Wärmepumpen
- Klimapolitik und technologische Innovation
- Konzepte des Maschinellen Lernens
- Kryptologie
- Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebe 1
- Leistungselektronik und Elektrische Antriebe 2
- Logistik und Supply Chain Management
- Marketing und Marktbearbeitung
- Medizintechnik 1
- Medizintechnik 2
- Microcomputer Systems 1
- Microcomputer Systems 2
- Moderne Physik
- Multicore and Parallel Computing
- Nachhaltige Treibstoffe
- Nachhaltiges Produktdesign
- Nachhaltigkeit von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien
- Numerical and Experimental Aerodynamics
- Ökobilanzierung
- Operations Management Grundlagen
- Operations Research
- Optoelektronik
- Patentrecht
- Predictive Analytics
- Principles and Application of the IoT
- Projektmanagement
- Rapid Software Prototyping for Engineering Science
- Realtime Daten-Erfassung/-Analyse mit LabVIEW
- Regelungstechnik 1
- Regelungstechnik 2
- Risikomanagement
- Robotik und Mechatronik 1
- Robotik und Mechatronik 2
- Safety and Systems Engineering
- Schlüsselkompetenz Wissenschaftliches Arbeitn
- Sensorik
- Smart Grid
- Smart Living
- Sustainability in Production Systems
- Sustainable Mobility
- System on Chip Design
- Technikfolgenabschätzung autonomer Fahrzeuge
- Technologie für Entwicklungsländer
- Technologien und Systeme der Elektromobilität
- Viable Start-Ups
- Windkraft Wasserkraft Solarthermie
- Wirtschaftliches/Gesellschaftliches Umfeld als Erfolgsfaktor
- Zukunft Rohstoffe
- Additive Manufacturing (3D printing)
- Vertiefung Aviation
- Advanced aircraft system design
- Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
- Corporate Management und Entrepreneurship
- Innovation and Changemanagement
- Management of Complex Processes
- Managing complexity and innovation in aviation
- Modelling for aviation infrastructure and future mobility
- Optimization
- Predictive Modelling
- Stochastic Modelling
- Systems engineering of safety critical systems
- Advanced aircraft system design
- Vertiefung Business Engineering
- Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
- Business Analytics
- Innovation and Changemanagement
- International Logistics
- Life Cycle Management of Infrastructures
- Market Analysis and Forecasting
- Novel Innovation and Design Principles
- Optimization
- Predictive Modelling
- Product Innovation and Product Lifecycle Management
- Quantitative Methods in Industrial Operations Management
- Service Operations and Management
- Servitisation of Manufacturing
- Smart Services
- Technology Management
- Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
- Vertiefung Civil Engineering